Monroe County Democratic Committee (MCDC)
The Monroe County Democratic Committee is made up of the committeepersons – from each precinct or ward of each township and borough – who are elected every four years during the primary election in the year the governor is elected. There are two committeepersons per precinct or ward, one is female and one is male.
Each county has an apportioned number of members on the Pennsylvania State Democratic Committee, proportional to the number of Democrats in the county, as set forth in the PADSC Bylaws; and in Monroe County, that works out to three state committeepersons, in addition to the County Committee Chair. Like the county committeepersons, they’re elected every four years at the primary election in the year the governor is elected.
Chair – Tameko Patterson
Vice Chair – Carlos Cubas
Treasurer – John Gerkhardt
Recording Secretary – Mark Dodel
Corresponding Secretary – Louisa Dombloski
MCDC Officers
MCD Officers
Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee
Members from Monroe County:
Tameko Patterson – Member of Executive Committee
Jacob Pride
Anne Tiracchia
Claudette Williams
The Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee (PADSC) is the governing body of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. Founded in 1792, the PADSC is charged with steering the direction of your party and organizing for Democrats across the ballot!
PADSC members, who are elected to four year terms, meet in full three times each year. PADSC members elect party leadership, hold nominating conventions, pass and promote a party platform, and help lead organizing efforts all across the commonwealth.
Our Democratic Party Principles
In our great and prosperous country, we hold these truths to be self-evident, today as they were over two hundred years ago, when they were set forth in our founding documents.
We are bound together by a core set of values, which come from the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution.
We believe:
• Every individual has a right to live the life they choose, so long as it does not infringe on the rights of others
• The weak deserve to be protected from the strong
• All Americans have the right to be free from the prejudice of others
• Strong families create better citizens
• Strong public schools make for a better society
• Affordable health care, housing and transportation is a public trust
• A wider range of job opportunities allows for a higher and more consistent quality of life
• Every American deserves equal opportunities to contribute to our society
• It is important to offer a helping hand, not a handout
• We are protectors of this land for the sake of future generations